Tuesday, November 6, 2012

American presidents, evolution and climate

Today is a big day for the US. A new President is being elected. I'm often surprised by the Americans. Did you know, for example, that about 32% of the American people* do not accept evolution, that living things have evolved due to natural processes? And that even educated people like Mitt Romney actually believe in something else? I think, the opinions about climate are slightly better. Since this year more then half of the Americans (54% **) believe scientists who say climate change is caused mostly by human activities.
Science is hardly discussed this Presidential election campaign.
But since when is science a belief or religion? Science is roughly "knowledge attained through study or practice". There are several methods to study or practice, but they all generate more or less verifiable information, information which is proven. Global warming by human activities is already proven for at least 10 years and evolution in different ways for longer than that. Religious systems with a 'creator' or a God, may work in people's daily life. But these constructions do not work very well in finding answers to all questions. While researching something you need to 'believe' one ingredient of the system in stead of to 'know' it for sure. I guess that's why religion is called a belief in the first place.

Oh, and now Sandy has wrecked the east coast of the US, suddenly climate change is proven? The first politicians are trying to put the whole disaster on climate change. When money and economy is at stake, science can be very handy, I guess. Unfortunately is is impossible to link individual disasters like Sandy to climate change. And it's even harder to link it to people or companies. Insurances will not get any climate lawsuits soon. I will write another blog item on why weather and climate should not get confused. It's a rather complicated story... Follow this blog to find out soon.

More information:
- Romney Elaborates on Evolution: thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/05/11/romney-elaborates-on-evolution/
- BBC News, Superstorm Sandy triggers climate blame game: www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-20181266
- In an interview Writer Ben Goldacre says he was shocked that politicians were "reluctant to put their great ideas to the test of science": www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-20179603

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* source: 2009 poll by Pew Research Center
** source: 2012 poll by Yale

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